An Introduction to creating a high-performing culture
Aug 23, 2022

Culture is often critical to unlocking an organisation's greatest potential, but senior leaders often have difficulty identifying and leveraging the functional aspects of their organisation's culture in order to enhance their brand, improve business results and fulfil their organisation's purpose. In this article, we explore some of the foundations for establishing a high-performance culture.

What is culture?

Culture is a set of shared beliefs, values and behaviours that guide people's decisions and actions.

The culture of an organisation is a reflection of its values and is defined by the beliefs, behaviours and attitudes that are shared by its employees.

Culture is too often an undervalued asset in companies. It can make or break any organisation. Employees that feel valued and respected, will perform better. Those that don’t, will leave.

It’s no secret that good culture helps attract top talent, retain it and develop leaders across all levels of the organisation but to create a high-performing culture, it’s important to understand what drives people to act in certain ways at work — what motivates them?

A high-performing culture is one that is not just well-intentioned but also a pleasure to work in.

It starts with an environment where people are valued and respected as individuals and where they feel safe to bring their whole selves to work.

A high-performing culture also has clear expectations about what is required from everyone, including managers and leaders. This helps employees feel secure in the knowledge that they are working towards the same goals as their colleagues, which increases their sense of belonging to the team.

The role of culture in creating high-performing organisations.

Culture is the single most important factor in determining whether an organisation is high-performing or not. High performers have a strong team culture that supports their business strategy and drives success.

The best way to create these conditions is by creating a set of principles for your company culture. These principles should be based on your company's values, focus areas and vision for the future, as well as being realistic about what you can achieve within a certain time frame.

Culture is something that is developed over time through a combination of people, processes and systems that are all aligned with the organisation's vision, values and goals.

It's important to remember that culture isn't something you can simply buy off the shelf. It has to be built from the ground up by all members of the team working together towards a common goal.

Culture is made up of three main components: people, processes and systems. These all interact together to form a coherent whole which ultimately determines how people behave and act within an organisation and how effective they are at achieving their objectives as part of a team or department.

Discover what is unique about your organisation's culture.

When you think about it, the purpose of a culture is to help people do their jobs. How do we make people more productive? How do we improve quality? How do we create an environment where people are happy, engaged and healthy?

Culture is not something that can be designed in a vacuum. It has to be based on the unique set of circumstances, challenges and opportunities facing your organisation.

Every organisation has its own unique culture because no two workplaces are exactly the same. Every workplace has its own set of challenges and opportunities. So creating a high-performing culture requires understanding what makes your organisation different from others.

Here are three questions you need to ask yourself if you want to create a high-performing culture:

What purpose do you serve?

What makes you different from other organisations that do similar things?

What is unique about my organisation's culture?

Helping leaders discover and communicate their unique value proposition.

There are two main types of culture: functional and social. Social culture is the way people interact with each other. Functional culture is what people do.

Organisations require both types of culture to be successful, but they have different goals and outcomes. Social culture is about relationships and interactions; functional culture is about tasks and outcomes.

Leaders can leverage the functional aspects of their organisation's culture to create a high-performing organisation. The key is understanding where your organisation's functional strengths lie, then leveraging them to improve performance.

The following questions can help you identify the functional aspects of your organisation's culture:

What kinds of behaviour do we value?

What are we proud of?

What kind of behaviour gets rewarded?

What kinds of behaviours are rewarded?

For example, if it's innovation then there will likely be an emphasis on creativity and risk-taking, whereas if it's compliance then there might be more emphasis on rules and procedures.

Where do people spend their time?

Where do people spend their money?

Where does the leadership spend its time?

Is it focused on things that align with the values identified above or not?

High-performing cultures are created by people and therefore can be developed over time.

Creating a high-performing organisation is a multi-faceted, ongoing process. It requires the engagement of leadership, HR departments and an organisation's employees. Culture is created from the top down and is shaped through daily actions and behaviours.

We have identified some of the best results-oriented practices to help you design a culture that drives performance. We based our findings on multiple research reports and industry leaders, who are experienced in designing high-performing teams in different sectors.

To create your own successful team, you must understand the difference between high performance and high potential. A high-potential employee may not always be a good performer.

To get ahead start, download our leader's guide to creating a high-performing culture in 2022 by clicking the link below:

Executive introducing new leader as part of executive onboarding process
By John Elliott 09 Apr, 2024
The arrival of a new executive heralds a period of opportunity, transformation, and, inevitably, challenge. The process of integrating this new leader – onboarding – is a critical, often under-emphasised phase that can significantly influence the trajectory of both the individual's and the company's future. So why do so many organisations fail to get executive onboarding right? The High Stakes of Executive Onboarding The adage "well begun is half done" resonates profoundly in executive onboarding. Harvard Business Review reveals a startling statistic: as many as 40-50% of new executives fail within the first 18 months of their appointment. This failure rate is not just a personal setback for the executives; it represents a substantial cost to the company – often up to five times the executive's salary. The reasons for failure? Poor cultural fit, unclear expectations, and inadequate onboarding support top the list. But what makes the consumer goods industry particularly challenging for new executives? It's a dynamic sector where consumer preferences shift rapidly, supply chains are complex, and competition is intense. Here, more than anywhere else, an executive's ability to adapt and lead effectively from the outset is paramount. The Multifaceted Challenges in Onboarding The failure of many organisations in the consumer goods industry to effectively onboard new executives is multifaceted: 1. Tailored Onboarding Versus Standard Processes The provided text emphasises the necessity of a tailored onboarding process for executives, distinct from standard employee onboarding. This is particularly relevant in the consumer goods industry, where executives must navigate unique market dynamics, consumer trends, and complex supply chains in Australia. Tailoring the onboarding process to address these specific industry challenges ensures that executives can hit the ground running with a clear understanding of the landscape they will operate in. 2. The Role of a Dedicated Onboarding Team The concept of a dedicated project team for executive onboarding, as implemented by Palo Alto Networks, could be highly effective in the consumer goods sector. Such a team could focus on providing industry-specific insights, facilitating connections with key stakeholders, and ensuring that new executives understand the nuances of the Australian consumer market. This team would act as a bridge between the executive and the unique aspects of the Australian consumer goods landscape. 3. Engagement During the Notice Period In the consumer goods industry, where market trends and consumer preferences can shift rapidly, keeping executives engaged during their notice period is crucial. This period can be used to familiarise them with current market analyses, consumer behaviour trends, and ongoing projects. This proactive approach ensures that the executive is well-informed and ready to contribute from day one. 4. Cultural Orientation and Familiarity Building a strong cultural connection is vital in any industry but takes on added importance in consumer goods, which often relies on understanding and adapting to cultural nuances to succeed. Regular touchpoints that orient the new executive to the company's culture, values, and consumer-centric approach can help in crafting strategies that resonate with the Australian market. 5. Collaboration Among Various Teams The need for collaboration between HR, Reward, Performance, and Talent teams is pertinent in the consumer goods sector. This collaboration can ensure a unified approach to addressing the specific challenges and opportunities an executive might face in this dynamic industry. For instance, understanding the compensation frameworks and performance indicators specific to different departments within a consumer goods company can aid an executive in making more informed decisions. 6. 'Just-in-Time' Resources The idea of providing ‘just-in-time’ resources is particularly beneficial for executives in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. Given the rapid pace of change in consumer preferences and market trends, having access to real-time data and concise, relevant information can be invaluable. This approach allows executives to stay agile and make decisions based on the latest market insights. 7. Understanding of Performance Cycles In the consumer goods industry, understanding the timing and nuances of performance cycles is critical. This is especially true in a market like Australia, where seasonal trends and events can significantly impact consumer behaviour. The onboarding process should include education on these cycles, preparing executives to plan and execute strategies effectively in sync with these fluctuations. The Role of the Board in Facilitating Successful Onboarding The board of directors plays a pivotal role in the onboarding process. Their actions, or lack thereof, can set the tone for the new executive’s tenure. What should they be doing? Pre-Onboarding Engagement: The process starts before the executive's first day. Boards must ensure clear communication about the company's vision, challenges, and expectations. This early dialogue helps align the executive’s mindset with the company's strategic goals. Structured Onboarding Plan: Developing a comprehensive, customised onboarding plan is crucial. This should cover not just the operational aspects of the role but also the cultural and interpersonal dynamics of the organisation. Mentorship and Networking Support: Assigning a mentor from the board or senior leadership can accelerate the integration process. Additionally, facilitating introductions and networking opportunities within and outside the company is invaluable. Regular Check-Ins and Feedback: Ongoing support doesn’t end after the first week or month. Regular check-ins to provide and receive feedback ensure any issues are addressed promptly. Performance Metrics: Clear, early-established metrics for success help the new executive understand how their performance will be measured. Enhancing Executive Performance through Effective Onboarding The correlation between effective onboarding and enhanced executive performance is well-established. A study by McKinsey found that executives who had a successful onboarding experience were 1.9 times more likely to exceed performance expectations. Furthermore, these executives reported feeling more integrated into the company culture and more effective in their roles earlier than their peers who experienced less structured onboarding. Effective onboarding leads to better decision-making, faster strategy implementation, and a more cohesive leadership team. It builds a foundation of trust and understanding that is crucial in the high-stake, rapidly evolving consumer goods market. Onboarding as a Strategic Imperative Effective executive onboarding goes beyond mere orientation – it is a strategic process that lays the groundwork for long-term success. As we've seen in the consumer goods industry in Australia, a well-planned and executed onboarding process can be the difference between a flourishing leadership tenure and a costly misstep. In an era where the cost of failure is high and the speed of change is relentless, consumer goods companies must view executive onboarding not as a perfunctory checklist but as a fundamental building block of sustainable leadership and organisational success. Remember, your new executive's journey is a reflection of your organisation's commitment to leadership excellence. Invest in their onboarding, and you're investing in the future of your company.
two men are sitting at a table with a laptop and talking to each other .
By John Elliott 18 Mar, 2024
Explore the pivotal choice between internal talent acquisition and hiring via executive search firms in the food and beverage industry for optimal growth.
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